Short Explanation
Smart Coach is a web application designed for athlete and coach management. It provides a centralized system for coaches to manage their athletes, track their progress, and analyze their performance. Athletes, on the other hand, can log their practices, view their stats, and receive feedback from their coaches. The application also incorporates a practice report feature, allowing for detailed reports on each practice session to be generated and shared. This feature aids both coaches and athletes in identifying areas of strength and areas where improvement is needed.
Project Goals
This project aims to create a web application for coaches and their athletes to monitoring their practice progress. This website has several functionalities which are:
- Authentication
- Athlete Management
- Coach Management
- Practice Recommendation
- Practice Log
- Practice Report
Framework & Dependencies
- Next JS with TailwindCSS and TypeScript
- Laravel
- AWS Amazon S3 Storage
- Docker
- Nginx
Lesson Learned
Throughout the development of the Smart Coach application, I gained several valuable insights and skills. I learned how to store complex practice data using JSON objects in MySQL, which was crucial for managing and tracking the progress of athletes. Moreover, I enhanced my understanding of query optimization in MySQL Laravel, which significantly improved the efficiency of the application. Lastly, I acquired experience in creating optimized report data in Laravel, a key feature that aids coaches and athletes in assessing performance and identifying areas for improvement.
Appreciation Section
Before closing this article, I would like to thank all members of the PPDB Teams namely Barhan, Rizqi, Clarence, Wina, and Zhafran who have worked with me for about 5 months to make Smart Coach Application. I hope we can continue this collaboration to develop another wonderful application in the future.